Hi Friends! I’m so glad you stopped by this little space of mine! My name is Caley and I’m the photographer behind Sweet Abandon and I am so excited to tell your story.
I love Jesus. He’s given me the gift of Heaven and a little heaven on earth. Three of my biggest blessings (aka heaven on earth) come in the form of little boys. I am a “boy mom” and honestly cannot imagine it any other way. I have been stretched, molded, pushed and grown in so many ways since they entered my world. I’ve learned to embrace the messiness and endure the bugs, mud, and stinky feet (that are beginning to outgrow mine!) It’s safe to say they make up my entire world. Another big part of my world is my husband, he is by far my better half. And I’m thankful that together we said “I do” to doing life together. He is also a huge part of my photography journey. He bought me my first DSLR camera and kindly put up with me snapping and documenting every moment of our daily life together.
Shortly after my oldest was born we made the best decision ever; I would transition into being a full-time stay-at-home-mom! (Dream come true!) It was during that time that I learned A LOT about “abandoning” the worlds ideals and perceptions as I journeyed my way through motherhood. I learned to let go, listen only to the advice that spoke life and honesty, to breathe deeper, and to allow my heart to embrace and soak up every ounce of those little hands that grasped the depths of my heart.
Because of that first camera, I have many moments frozen in time. I learned very quickly that time never stands still….it doesn’t wait for your heart to catch up. It just keeps moving onward at lighting fast speeds. Photographs are my way of holding onto time a little longer. Of cherishing those cherub lips, tiny frog legs, the first words, baby steps and all the big and small milestones alike. Because of the million pictures, I can savor them for just awhile longer and so can my boys! I cannot tell you how many times their memories are triggered as we look over photographs together.
And that is what I hope for you. For our time together. I want to capture your world; I want to freeze time during some of your most defining and sweet moments. The moments that make your heart burst with joy. I want you to see the beauty in the mess, the joy in the chaos and have those memories adorning your walls and in your own beautiful photobooks. Because your life, the one God gave you, is sweet. It is so worth abandoning what the world tells you think. And just to embrace it–whole heartedly. Allow me to do that for you.
I can’t wait to meet you and be allowed to capture the sweetness of your life as it is, right in this very moment!