I met Diane at the last job I had before having kids. One day she wound up at a desk near me and I loved her right away. And soon she always grabbed any desk that was close by so we could talk…I mean…work, really really hard. I have to […]
I thought it was far time to try my hand at catching up with some blogging. I was shocked at how long it had actually been! When this family contacted me to do their newborn photos, I couldn’t say yes fast enough. They had 3 very sweet, very adorable girls […]
Playing catch up, always playing catch up these days. In my head I had totally blogged this gorgeous session months and months ago. But to my dismay, I realized it never actually made it up on the blog. And being that in just a few short months we are going […]
There are just some families that you fall in love with immediately. They have a natural connection, how they interact and the love that tightly bonds them is easily displayed. This is that family. I really didn’t have to do much directing, they just did it, naturally. And their son, […]
My heart’s desire for this session was to capture the essence of motherhood. I wanted to see the emotion, the joy and the love that stems from being a mama. Because when dreams become reality, there just isn’t anything sweeter to capture. My nieces and sister in law are helping […]