Playing catch up, always playing catch up these days. In my head I had totally blogged this gorgeous session months and months ago. But to my dismay, I realized it never actually made it up on the blog. And being that in just a few short months we are going to lose this gorgeous sunny weather and be back into the rainy season, these sessions seem to become more popular. And my heart does some extra pitter-pattering because I LOVE me some indoor lifestyle sessions. They are cozy and warm and truly display the love and closeness all within the walls of your own home.
The Bernard family was truly a gift to work with. Their home was one that you walk in and immediately feel comfort, joy, and Jesus wrapped throughout every room. even though we had just met, I immediately felt like they were old friends. Their two older boys were quick to show me cool super hero moves, their spaceships and planes that they built, and had no problem wrestling and having a good time. And boy oh boy did they love on their little princess, truly truly precious to watch. She is going to be one protected little lady!